Monday, February 13, 2006

Our True Love

I initially thought of having the title as “My True Love”, for that might have served to pump up your coefficient of excitement as you read these first few lines, perhaps making you wonder if I’m choosing this day to announce some special news from my side. Well, I’m not heading in that direction here.

I do not intend to opportunistically “spiritualize” the special occasion at this time of the year by overly giving theological overtones to this wonderful “....” called love (I find it very difficult to put a qualifying noun there, for the best I could think of still falls short in its descriptive role). But I do want to make my point that as we think about love, how imperative it is for us to think about the One who alone has displayed the truest expression of love! When we look to buy a special product for ourselves, how assured we feel if we could get it from its original manufacturer!! The product becomes trustworthy and the quality is guaranteed beyond any doubt. Assuredness, trust, and guarantee (read “commitment”) are three important elements that often concern people who are “in love” with each other. But when we have a direct relationship with love’s manufacturer (God), understand how He manufactured it and has been distributing it, and agree to His terms and conditions (which are nothing but whole-heartedly accepting His love and yielding our hearts to Him), we would then not only receive for ourselves the purest and most genuine love, but would also be able to pass on to others the love that is modeled on God’s love for us. When we so model the expression of love (in all its kinds) in the human realm, then assuredness, trust, and guarantee shall never be in deficiency.

The Bible says, “In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another (I John: 4.9-11)”. How well we truly understand these profound verses determines our grasp of the true meaning of love.

Let us all remember the original Lover!

- Wes


At Tue Feb 14, 02:33:00 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is nice Wesley.. I was thinking of a practical way of showing God’s love on a day like today..
I think Valentines days is overly commercialized.. It has made one believe that if one does not get a rose or a card on the valentines day, that one is of less value. I think the enemy is playing with young lives and setting standards. I have found friends that are ashamed to mention that they are at home on valentines day instead of going out for dinner. It would be a nice gesture to extend God’s love to single people around us by sending friendship cards and inviting them out for dinner with friends so that they will not feel they are left out.

At Wed Feb 15, 02:22:00 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let us all remember the original Lover! - I agree...

But I also intend to think in a different way...

We all remember the orginal Lover everyday (atleast I do ).... Special days such as the 'V' day are mainly to remember and appreciate the fact that we have the capability to love, thatthere are people whom you love and by whom you are loved...

Of Course, although such days are commercialized, it is upto the individual to keep his radar tuned to a positive reception and not allow commercial think tanks to take overly advantage of these days.

At Fri Feb 17, 08:44:00 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God should always be first in all things, including love. Without him we can do nothing.

At Mon Feb 20, 07:49:00 AM PST, Blogger MargoPego said...

Wes, Hi! I came to your site because I got an e-mail from you inviting me to visit you. Thanks for the invite, even though I don't know how you knew about me. I don't mind, though. Anyway, about Valentine's, St. Valentine was a man who was all about love, yes, but not in the way the day's become. He was about showing love to all, no matter what - real agape love in the sense that Christ originally intended. People have forgotten all about that, but I'd actually approached some people I know about showing love in different, non-romantic ways to really get back to what St. Valentine was really about.

At Mon Feb 20, 08:58:00 AM PST, Blogger Wes said...

Hello Northwood,
This is strange because I never sent any e-mail to you or anyone I don't know, inviting them to visit my site. But I did register my Blog with a couple of Blog groups at They might have forwarded you my general statement that I placed on the Bloggers' Group site inviting anyone to visit my site.
However, thanks for your comments. I'll have to agree with your words about St. Valentine.

- Wes

At Mon Feb 20, 09:38:00 AM PST, Blogger MargoPego said...

Just so you know, it's NorthWord, not wood, but whatever. :)
Anyway, that's weird that a message would've come from you to me, but I know that strange things happen! :)
Also, how did you get that map to show up on your site? I've tried following the instructions, but I know that they don't always kick in right away. It's a really cool thing. :)

At Mon Feb 20, 11:34:00 AM PST, Blogger Wes said...

Hello Northword,
Sorry for the oversight regarding your username. If you are registered with ChristianBloggers at, you might have received as an e-mail the general statement I posted there announcing my blog.

Anyhow, that aside, yes, the map thing is a cool feature. Go to On the left hand side of the page, you'll see the tab, "Get one". Click on it and follow the instructions. They'll give you their html code to have the map on your blog site. Go to the Template Settings page on your blog site and paste the html code at the appropriate location (wherever you want - I put mine on the side bar, below the links).

I hope this helps. Let me know if not.

At Fri Feb 24, 11:15:00 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

G.Moses writes:
Indeed it was a short and sharp treatise on LOVE, dear Wesley.All the earlier comments are also in tune with you.
Infact God epressed His love in crating man in His own image.Man is the culmination and crown of His creation.
When man was seperated from Him,it was Love that prompted Him to send His only Son Jesus and to give Him as the Price of our redemption (St John 3.16.)

At Mon Feb 27, 11:39:00 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here below is the continuation of my comments of 24th inst. Basically love has 2 forms-"Divine Love",which is aboriginal and "human love" with all its weakness,variation and limitation.The atributes of "Divine Love" are best presented in The Bible at 1 Corinthiens 13:4 to 8.
One can not truly understand and practise true-love without comprehending and getting challenged by the Love of Christ,that made Him to leave His Glorious position in Heaven and come down to this sin-infested World to die on the Cross to pay the price of man's redemption.All other that is claimed to be practised in the World is very shallow and vanishes like vapour when the heat of adverse environment unfolds.
What is understood in the World-especially among the youth-by "Love" is correctly represented by the word "Lust".And let us be very clear that "Lust" passes away,and "Love" alone is long-lasting.

At Tue Mar 14, 10:22:00 AM PST, Blogger Richard Quick, Millionaire said...

My true love is money. If that sounds wrong, remember that the Lord said to each his own. If you run across any great christian-based moneymaking schemes or MLMs, please email me or post to the comments on my site, and I will share them with my followers. As Jesus said: "Live long and prosper!"

As the "big cheese" around here, let me welcome you to the blogger community! RQ, E

At Tue Mar 14, 02:31:00 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The BIBLE says, Money is the root cause of all evil, again it says, if you gain the whole world and lose your soul, what profit it is?, so, think twice before choosing your true love.

At Tue Mar 14, 05:55:00 PM PST, Blogger Wes said...

Hello anonymous,
Thanks so much for your comments. I'm not sure if you are the same "anonymous" who has posted a few comments on my blog entry about the apparent sinlessness of sins. If so, I appreciate your comments very much. Your words correctly reflect the truth.

A minor clarification, the Bible says that the "love of money" is the root cause of all evil.

- Wes

At Wed Mar 15, 08:47:00 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for correcting the statement. Yes, i am the same anonymous guy. I appreciate the way you express your views, and the subject of your posts. Continue to bring out these hard and truthful acts.

At Wed Mar 15, 05:30:00 PM PST, Blogger Wes said...

Hello anonymous,
Thanks again for all your comments. They have hiked my curiosity as to who you might be. Inasmuch as I'd like to know, I'd still let you maintain your anonymity if you prefer so. But continue to keep posting your well-framed comments.

- Wes


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