The apparent "sinlessness" of sin
Hello everyone,
We all would probably agree that sin is a bad thing and it needs to be avoided. What we often do not agree on is, “what is sin and what is not”. Often, of the same thing, we hear some say, “I don’t think it’s a sin; it’s just something different”, some others say, “It’s such an obvious sin”, while the rest do not care if it’s a sin or not. When we have one same God who will judge the whole world by His one same standard of judgment, no one thing can be simultaneously sin and also not a sin.
Whereas it’s true that some of us sometimes construct a too narrow view on some portions of God’s words by making a very literal reading of His word, forgetting the spirit of the Word and the liberty with which we are to live, thereby, often having a pharisaical outlook on many things in life, the more striking fact to me is how the devil is able to cunningly top sins with his creamy layers that make us oblivious of the core sinful content of his designs and cause us to have a twisted, lenient, and naive approach to his baits.
I was stunned to read some of the reviews made by the so-called “Progressive Christian” writers on the movie Brokeback, which glorifies homosexual relationship. The reviewers praised the cinematic art and choreography of the movie and even encouraged people to watch the movie simply because of its artistic value. The devil is not as naive as we often consider him to be. Doesn’t he know very well that he can’t market his sins unless he wraps them around with innocent-looking glossy, flashy peripherals??
It’s the attractive power of sin and not so much its wickedness that makes it hard to resist and easy to fall into. Let us not be naive but rather be diligent and wise to identify the sinful traps of the devil and follow God faithfully and radically.
Hello old man morri,
Even though I'd have to disagree with your comment, I'd still like to thank you for taking your time to read and comment on my blog. Though you may not like what I've written, I hope it said something to you as you read it. Do come back and read my further blogs and post your comments.
living by faith2 - Thank you for your comment.
- Wes
I've been noting the popularity of this movie lately in the major media outlets (TV, news, etc.)
A friend of mine recently told me that he and his wife were going to go see the movie. When I asked why, his answer was "Know thine enemy." Now that may not be a very good reason for seeing the movie, but I did see his point. From his point-of-view, he would be able to make more intelligent responses to his friends who are, shall we say, more "in-tune" with the currently fashionable homosexual lifestyle.
I know that I have no interest to see the movie myself, either as an artistic study, or for pure entertainment. Some would argue that this is because I have a subconscious homophobia, as in a fear but if anything it's more of something I'll call "homonausea" for want of a better term. (As in a kind of mild aversion like watching a kid show you his mouthful of chewed up food. Not scary, but just gross).
I look at things like this as mostly a fad, mostly cyclical in nature -- here today, faded into the sub-culture tomorrow. Homosexuality has always been fringe behavior, and will most likely continue to be on the fringe, no matter how avidly any individual or any institution (by this I mean the media) advocates otherwise.
As to the pastors who recommend watching the movie based on its artistic content, I am of two minds on this. Looking at the pastors "job" of guiding, leading, and being responsible for the spirituality of those in his church, I'd say that it would be a mistake with one caveat to add. IFthe church's beliefs included doctrine encompassing homosexuality, then he would be in line with his own church and likely his own beliefs. However, I'm sure that pastors of this type are not the subject of this particular post.
In my line of work, I read many different kinds of books and watch films that don't portray "Christian values," so I would be the last person to pan a movie or book simply because it portrays a "lifestyle" that the Bible condemns. (BTW, apologies, my brain's moving a little slow right now!)
I agree with you that we need to be discerning about what enters our minds, and to remember that while everything is permissible, not everything is benificial. But if it were true that reading novels that aren't very "Christian" will open me up to temptations and sin, then I should be 100 times more sinful than I already am! (I suppose I would be, without the grace of God!)
I do believe that truth exists outside of the church, and while I have yet to see Brokeback Mountain myself, I'm wondering if we can disagree with its homesexuality and still find interesting lessons in it--which might be the point of Christians who do have some good things to say about the film.
That said, I've not read the reviews you've read, and neither have I seen the film.:) I'm just cautioning against any kind of book/film-burning. It's a really complex matter and there's much more to talk about so I don't want to pretend to offer a definitive answer! ;p
Well, the BIBLE tells us to flee from every form of evil. Our reasoning and logical thinking with the brain that wieghs approx 3 pounds is in no match to the awesome power, knowledge and understanding of GOD. So, when GOD says, flee from every form of evil, it is better for us to obey than to reason.
Having said that, movies like broke back mountain portrays the sinful nature of human being that was the reason for the ultimate desctuction of sodom and gomorrah. Homosexuality is a sin and GOD hates sin. If a movie depicts about homosexuality, no matter what, a Christian should avoid seeing that. If people give reasons that they are seeing the film due to its artistic nature, there are hundreds of films to choose from. The devil is playing with the minds of the people by even suggesting alternate names like "alternate lifestyle" "individual's nature" etc to what is clearly a grave sin. So, instead of getting ourselves peeking into the wiles and designs of the devil, it is better for us to avoid it. Our job is not to understand the designs of the devil, but to resist him on the basis of the Word of GOD, and flee from it.
A note to old man morri : Death comes only once, and there is not a second chance. One glance of what and how hell looks like and the meaning of endless time may change you views. You may say that i am wrong, but what if i am right? And i know and beleive that i am right, and the risk is not worth to take, because there is only one chance. Please do visit any nearby church to know how true it is.
Wesley, your blog on "The apparent sinlessness of sin" is vivid and valuable.
From its origin, sin has always been beatifull to behold and to begin-with, but after its accomplishment, it bites like a serpent and is painfull. The original prompting of the Evilone was exciting (to become like God, knowing good and evil). But alas! Adam and Eve knew not that it was only a premium for their perdition.
Resisting temptation call for heroic moral strength,as had by Joseph of the Bible.Such a strength can come only by having the personal knowledge and fear of the One True Living God,revealed to the World in The Lord Jesus Christ.
My sorrow of heart for the hard feelings of Old Man Morri. A drunken man feels he is stronger than 10 persons,whereas in reality he will be struggling and stumbling even to walk straight. That is how sin beguiles anyone and perverts one's sense.
Iam in full agreement with the views of Anonymous dated March 12th.
Sin is not for experimentation.One has to flee from it and not fight against it.Because we are already defeated by it and natural mind is under its dominion. It is only by repentence and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ we get liberated to wright sense of values.
GOD loves everyone, people of all races, all religion, gay people, straight people. I beleive all christians do the same. I also do the same, wishing that they would change.
GOD loves gay peoply but GOD hates homosexuality. It is a Sin against GOD. If GOD did not love sinners, then why should HE come and die on a cross.
I am sorry old man morri, if i had conveyed in my post that i hate gay people. I will never say something like that. If i say so, then i am not a christian and i dont stand true for what i beleive. I do love all people. I love them so much that i want them to realize how GOD loves them, and how GOD does not want them to do that is against GOD.
I believe that the Lord has mandated for us to be fruitful and multiply, which I interprete as him wanting us to create wealth. When I was born again, the Lord said that creating wealth was not only my God-given right, but my divine responsibility.
I am an investor in what we insiders affectionately call "Humpback Mountain." Many passed up this opportunity, saying a gay caballero movie would only work as a porno flick. But my instincts were right and I hit the jackpot (no pun intended).
I consider myself a devout Christian. I read the bible every night, especially the parts about riches, rewards and gold. I have helped countless people become millionaires through my online advice ( What do I care if people want to pay me millions to go see some homo cowboys cornholing on the silver screen? I've never even seen it and don't intend to.
When the Lord returns, I will be waiting for him on the veranda of my multimillion dollar home or on the deck of my yacht. Who do you think will be accompanying him to the promised land, me or Adam & Steve? Until then, ride'm cowboy. I've got options on BooFoo Mt. Part Two: The Cowboy Who Couldn't Leave His Friend's Behind.
To Dirty Old Man Morri:
I know all about you. You don't fool anyone with your "be nice to fags" routine. You love them all right, if they're young and sitting on your lap. You're so-called religion is nothing more than a way to entice young alter boys. Any more despicable, and you'd be Catholic
The Lord said to treat the lowliest of your brethren as you would treat him, including queers. Besides, they are one of the demographic groups with the highest discretionary spending in the U.S.. You gotta love that.
Hello old man morri,
Sorry, I wasn't able to get back on your comment last night (13thMar2006). First of all, thank you for the kind words in your first comment posted yesterday.
Regarding your response to anonymous' comment, I need to reiterate what "anonymous" has posted today. Christians are not to hate any people. He who loves God cannot be a hater of people, no matter what kind of people they be. Nor is he to have a condemning attitude towards any person. However, sin remains a sin and should be rightly called so. The more we love God, the more we'll love sinners and the more we'll hate sins. "The fear of the LORD is to hate evil (Proverbs:8.13)". The more we know God, the more will we be able to discern wisely and see what is sin and what is not.
Thanks for visiting the blog site again. You are very welcome to continue to engage in the discussion.
- Wes
How does brokeback mountain 'glorify' homosexuality? you know one of 'em gets lynched in the end right? I know we've all had our fantasies about being lynched, but I hear the real experience ain't all it's cracked up to be.
To "glorify" something is to "cause something seem more pleasant, important, or desirable than is actually the case (ENCARTA Dictionary)". Isn't that what has been attempted to do of homosexuality in Brokeback Mountain?? (Note: I'm here talking about homosexuality, not the people who commit it).
Brokeback mountain glorifies homosexuality?
Somebody getting killed for having beliefs differing to those of established society (homosexuality in this case)?
Perhaps they should have put him on a cross instead of lynching him...
when did a sinful act become a belief? homosexuality is not a belief, it is a sin.
I think the author is correct when he used the term "glorifies". The movie is trying justify the sinful act of homosexuality. It is a sin, it is not the way that GOD intended humans to be.
I'm assuming Wes, that you have never engaged in a homosexual act. Apparently they can be quite pleasant, important, and desirable indeed. Perhaps even more so than depicted in Brokeback Mountain. So even by your definition, Brokeback don't glorify.
The act of homosex is a very disgusting act and is to be hated. The mind gets perverted by thinking otherwise.
Every individual has their own way to define what is pleasurable to him/her.
Do not take pleasure in sin.
Hello wes and all those who are responding to this blog. I am new to this site but not new to Christ. However please bear with me as I post my thoughts on this issue. The first thing I would like to reinterate what has already been said, "God loves the sinner, but hates the sin." Sin is whatever is wrong in the sight of God,"according to his word". I think where the world has messed up is catorgorizing sin. As in big sin, little sin, not so bad, borderline. In the eyes of God sin is the same whether you kill someone or snatch of the tag of the mattress that says " do no remove under penalty of law." I have seen through my own personal experience that once we start catorgorizing sin we are subject to let temptations and bad thought enter our minds that lead to bad behavoir, character and decisions. Whatever spirit is fed the most is the one that will be eventually take over. So I encourage everyone, including myself to examine ourselves and make sure we are not entertaining, ideologies, habits and material that can get us outside of God's perfect will. This is something I've learned has to be done on a daily basis through prayer to God. The hardest thing in being a Christian is telling the truth. I say this because sometimes the truth hurts and calls us out on our bad habits and ways. However we as christians must continue to tell the truth, even when it is against the status quo. Souls are at stake and the only way to win people to Christ is not only in how we treat people, but sharing and living the truth according to the word of God. Jesus is the truth and the light. There is no other way but his way that will get us into the Kingdom of Heaven.
I love the whole 'is there a God' conundrum because we won't (possibly) ever know until it's all said and done.
Two things: 1) Is it possibile that God and the Devil are one and the same? 2) If you write Him when referring to God with a capital, then why don't you write Him when referring to the Devil with a capital?
Surely it stands to reason that these holy/unholy entities you write about deserve equal billing in the scheme of things.
Just a thought.
And what about Beelzebob's younger Brother, Beelzebub? That Dude never gets enough credit.
Hello Benjibopper,
This blog entry is about sin in a larger sense and not about just one specific sin (homosexuality). To answer your question in the bigger context, Yes, I have been in sins. They did look "pleasant, important, and desirable" when I committed them, but later, as Mr. Moses has pointed out, they bit me like a serpent and caused a lot of pain. Thank God for the price that Jesus Christ paid for me on the Cross. I'm free now - not immune - from sins. God has done this redemptive work of salvation in the lives of those who have surrendered themselves to Him and He's eager to do the work on everyone who calls on Him.
Sin seems enjoyable, but remember, it blinds us and coaxes us into spiritual foolery.
Seekyefirst - That was a nice write-up. I agree with the import of your comments. We should never take our focus from Jesus Christ.
Andy K - The presence and existence of God can be very well felt in this life itself, when we submit ourselves to His saving Grace. What a terrible inescapable tragedy it'd be for a person to realize the existence of God only when he stands in front of His Judgement throne after "everything is said and done" and nothing can reverse his tragic choice of eternal consequences! God and devil deserve equal respect?? Oh! My! I'll leave this for someone else to respond to.
- Wes
Hello and good morning to everyone. I pray God's blessings over each one of you.
AndyK to answer your question about God and the devil being the same. If that were true we all would be dead and have no possiblity of an abundant life here on earth or receive and eternal reward in heaven. In the bible it tells us of satan's mission- to seek, kill and destroy. Whereas Christ came that we may have life and life more abundantly. So no they are not the same. As for knowing whether or not God exist, it is more in your faith and trust in Him, than finding and seeing proof physically. The bible also says that we will not enter the kingdom of heaven in deeds and acts alone but by faith and trust in God. So I encourage everyone to seek God for his guidance. We are also told to get wisdom and in all of thy getting get understanding. We have the bible at our disposal to learn these things. There are also pastors that are after God's own heart that can and will aide us in our spiritual walk. We can't go off of our own thinking.
Proverbs 3:5-7 states this. "Lean not to you own understanding, acknowledge God in all of your ways and He will direct your path".
I myself have suffered delays, setbacks and dissapointments from going off of my own will,sometimes ignoring what I know God has instructed me to do through His word and the Holy Spirit. I have been humbled through those experiences and have learned to thank God for them, still don't like going through trouble :), but I know it is to make me stronger. Therefore I can handle things a little better and have greater patience. I can go on and on about the goodness of God,but I think this is enough for now. I say to everyone keep the faith and continue to pray for one another.
Man is also a spirtual being. If it is not so, and the body being made up of chemicals like Calcium approx 1.0 KG, phosporus approx 780 g then how can a person think. Hey can anyone there tell me what phosporus is thinking now?. So, man is a spirtual being. When man dies, his body stops functioning, and the mechanical system stops. But, what is happening to the spirit? Nothing happens to the spirit that it can die. The spirit never dies. The spirit lives for ever.
The process of death can also be said as the spirit leaving the body. The spirit which leaves the body can either go to heaven or hell. All the acts that we do on earth is done by the spirit that is inside the body.
But GOD out of HIS wondrous mercy has given HIS only son JESUS to die on the cross for us, and when we beleive in HIM we get saved and we go to heaven. This is an experience for those who beleive in HIM. It is real. It removes the guilt of past sins, and we become free. It gives us great happiness.
Hello old man morri,
I haven’t watched the movie, The Raiders of the Lost Ark and so, I can’t give the exact kind of reply you might be looking for. But let me chip in a few words about the concerned aspects of the character of God, which is what you are getting at, I guess.
Let me start with your “Nitrogen question”. Well, it’s true that our God is an all-conquering God of awesome power, who is holy and perfect. No one can withstand His awesome power, and our human imperfection and inherent sinfulness automatically disqualify us from being able to have an access to Him by ourselves. But He’s also a kind and loving God. In Jesus, He has provided us the way to get to Him and take part in His gracious offer of salvation. So, Is God powerful?? Yes, very much so – much more than we can humanly imagine. However, His power is not for dealing a deadly blow on those who come to Him, unlike what a Nitrogen container when dropped on the floor would do. He has granted us this current period of Grace wherein He patiently and lovingly woos us to come to Him through Jesus Christ. But there’ll come a time when He will brandish His powerful arm in a destructive way that will spell eternal damnation on people – people who have rejected Him and the salvation He has offered through Jesus Christ – when they stand in front of Him at the throne of Judgment.
Regarding your question about whether the Spirit killed the guys because they were Nazis or just because they were gay-acting (in the movie), as implied by seekyefirst, God doesn’t base His judgment on one particular sin. In God’s eyes, there is a sense in which committing homosexuality is no more sinful than telling a lie. A sin is a sin – and that is transgressing God’s commandments.
Thanks old man morri, for your question/comment.
Seekyefirst – thanks again for your meaningful comment. Thanks to anonymous too.
Hello richard quick,
I'm sorry, I had to delete your last comment. I appreciate eveyone posting comments the way they want, but inappropriate fun will have to be shunned. Sorry.
- Wes
Greetings to everybody communicating in this blog.After going through all the 33 odd comments, I pass on the following.
Benjibopper seems to be clear and convinced that homosexuality is pleasant important and desirable. Well as many have pointed-out, that is the initial phase of enticement by sin. Who can deny that it is enjoyable and pleasant to scratch a patch of itches?! But what is next? A small patch of itch gets aggravated to be a septic-wound which may become difficult to get healed. That is the deceitful nature of sin. This I say out of my personal and painful experience with the sins in my life. Jesus set me free. And now what a sense of horror, shame and disgust it has brought to me! Yes when we are healed of fever or any sickness, our right sense of mouth-taste gets established.
Reacting to Andy K, may I say the following. The Bible portrays that the Devil, or, Satan was with God in Heaven, as Arch-Angel, next to God in power and honour. But pride made Satan to think: "I will be like The Most High"(Isaiah 14:14)That thought only made Satan to be cast down to the lowest depths of the Pit. So in the beginning ,before becoming Satan, he had honour. After loosing that status he lost that glory and honour.
So there is no question of giving honour, glory ,praise and fear to the devil ,which are due only to The One True Living God.
Dear old man morri,
Thanks for your question. From what I see from online resources (e.g., and, the English origin of the word “speed” (in about the 15th century??) did not refer to the velocity of something, but it meant ‘to prosper/succeed’. So, the term “Godspeed” is used as a wishful greeting that God may cause someone to be successful in what they are doing. People say that to wish a safe journey for someone taking up a journey/voyage. So, “Godspeed” has nothing to do with the physical sense of the word speed/velocity as we normally think of.
The “light” in the phrase “God is light” is used in a metaphorical sense to describe His character and not His form. God is Spirit and has no physical form. So, He is not one who travels as waves or particles. Einstein’s law is applicable for the physical light and it continues to hold good.
On a lighter vein, you are very well encouraged to attempt to challenge Einstein’s law with your Mazda Cappella - haha. If you hear your friend say “Godspeed”, remember that it’s not to goad you to test the limits of speed as formulated by Einstein, but a wish for you to have a safe time with your Mazda Cappella.
Thanks for asking this question. I had never thought of this before. Also, thanks for removing the belligerent tone from the link on your blog site to mine. I should say, inasmuch as I prayerfully try to give Christian perspectives on issues, I’d in no way claim to be the authentic mouthpiece for Christ – even though there is a sense in which He wants His children to be so. Perhaps the current form of the link portrays Jesus in a slightly flippant manner??
- Wes
There's obviously a huge communication gap between us, Wes. Please re-read my first comment and then try and get back to me with regards to what I asked and not with regards to what you think I wrote.
The issue at hand was capital letters with Him in reference to a god and Him in reference to the devil. It pertains to your post, in which you offered a capital for the former and no capital for the latter.
For the record, the phrase 'when all is said and done' does not refer to what will happen when we are dead. Its meaning refers to something akin to 'the bottom line' or 'in fact' as it's much simpler to talk about something while you're still alive.
However, it's good to know you're already contemplating what you'll be doing upon standing gawk-eyed awaiting your destiny. But that's not what I said.
Man, this comments trail is more cluttered than Mecca!
Morri: God created nitrogen, therefore they are both equally as dangerous as each other. The only thing worse is God attacking you with Nitrogen, which, obviously is doubly as bad. Triply so if he traps you in the basement.
With regard to Homosexuality as a sin, here in the u.k. the church is allowing gay clergymen to marry, but they have to remain celibate. In other words, you can buy that suzuki vitara, but you can't drive it.
I'd say he can drive it, but not fast. Because if he goes too fast he might kill himself. And that's a sin.
This is just a reaction to the comments of Andy k dtd 23 march.
Well, as per English-grammer,I suppose all proper names should begin with capitals. The One True God and Satan ,or, the Devil are True Beings. Hence they should be addressed with capital beginning. But general reference to other evil-force can be devil and not Devil.This is because it refers to one of the evil-angels and not Satan , the Chief of them.
But, Iam of the opinion that people have the tendency to refer to Satan as devil instead of Devil,because of their dislike and discredit . This is grammatically incorrect ,but custommarilly taken to be correct.
Another very important point is ONLY for God we should use The, He,Him,His and for Satan,the Devil, use the, he ,him,his.This is to imply that he is not equated with God.
it will be nice when we can learn to focus on what is wrong in our own lives rather than pointing fingers at "sinners" outside of ourselves. i find it laughable that humanity (and religious people in particular) are so quick to judge and point the finger at others "lifestyles" and choices when we are all as screwed up as we could possibly be. i think we should let the Creator judge and live as best as we can in our own hearts and teach others by example rather than pointing fingers and admonishing each other. but i'm weird. ~dannye will be nice when we can learn to focus on what is wrong in our own lives rather than pointing fingers at "sinners" outside of ourselves... ~dannye
Spoken like a true sinner, Dannye. What are you doin' after the blog? Come over to my place and I'll let you sit on Jerry Garcia's toilet. It was just delivered. RQ
Everyone are sinners. There is no one who is righteous except GOD. The BIBLE also tells the same. Every one has fallen short to the GRACE of GOD. I am a sinner no good than any other. But the GRACE of GOD is so great that it can pardon my sins. That is why we need forgiveness, and when i ask GOD to forgive my sins HE sets me free. One has to experience this.
Hello and God blessings to you all. It has been a while since I last responded to this blog, so I just want to give some basics comments. One thing mentioned in the most recent blog is that we are all sinners saved by God's grace and this is true. God's word is the only pure truth in this world and the world to come. So whatever His word says about our lifestyle is true whether it is a healthy lifestyle or a destructive lifestyle. So if someone shows you how a bad trait is unhealthy or wrong according to the word of God, its not judging it is the truth . The only way this gets messed up is if someone comes across as "Holier than Thou". This should not happen (Galatians 6:1). As mentioned in His word, God has already judged the world through His word and when Jesus comes back, it will be to fulfilled the law(God's word laid down in the bible) not judge the law.(Matthew 5:17). So all the the Godly laws and guidance have already been laid down by prophets, teachers and preachers. We have access to this information to learn it and apply it to our lives, it is up to us to pursue it. In conclusion, if we want to know how our lives looks in God's eye, we should read the bible along with seeking wise council and see how our life compares to His word. This lets us know if we are living a Godly life. Are we all perfect?, NO, but because of the blood that Jesus shed for us we have the "opportunity" to accept his forgiveness and his commandments and lead a more fruitful, abundant life. Some tend to think this is permission to go out and do what ever we want and what the world does but it's not.There has to be a change in attitude and lifestyle to experience the full effect of God's grace.(Romans 12:2)
Way to go Wes! I'm with you bro!
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